Hjem - En liten bakeblogg med mine små og store prosjekt.

onsdag 14. april 2010

Guest entry by: Ante

My cake obsession is catching on! At least rubbing off a bit. ^^ Ante decided he wanted to bake me a cake :D Kladd-kaka, as it is called here. Its a chocolate cake , which is supposed to be a bit sticky in the middle. =) And you serve it with wipped cream. None of us had made it before, so we werent entirely sure what to do and how. There was a bit of a rocky start, but it got better.

Here you can see my windrider cub watching over it. ^^

It tasted good. =) Tho we should have let it be in the ovn longer, so thats something to remember for next time. A bit too "kladdy", but thats what this blog is all about; getting better at baking! :D And also; how sweet isnt it that he wanted to bake me a cake?! =)

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