Hjem - En liten bakeblogg med mine små og store prosjekt.

mandag 5. april 2010

Banana muffin


To try out my new muffin-tree thing, and to do some baking, and because its good me and Henriette made muffins! The choice landed on banana muffins.

100 g margaring/smør (butter)
2 1/4 dl sukker (sugar)
3 bananer
2 egg
3 3/4 dl hv.mel. (flour)
1 1/2 ts natron (baking soda)
1 ts bakepulver (baking powder)
2 ts vaniljesukker (vanilla)
1 dl. melk (milk)

1. Sett ovnen på 175 grader.
1. Preheat the ovn up to 175 °C ( ~350 °F).

2. Rør margarin og sukker hvitt. Tilsett eggene, ett av gangen og deretter de mosede bananene.
2. Mix butter and sugar till its nice and white. Add eggs, one at the time, and then the mashed bananas.

3. Bland mel, natron, bakepulver og vaniljesukker og rør det inn i eggeblandingen. Tilslutt blandes melken inn.
3.Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder and vanilla, and add it to the mixture. Add the milk last.

4. Hell røren i en smurt og strødd form og stekes i ca. 45 min. Dersom du lager muffins stekes de i ca. 10 - 15 min.
4. Pour the mixture into a cake mold, and bake for about 45 minutes. If made into cupcakes the only bake for 10-15 minutes.

The "decoration" was made with buttercream and a decoration bag. Had to try that out too. ^^


4 kommentarer:

  1. They were good! ^^ ..if you like the taste of banana in cakes, muffins and such that is.

  2. They was the best! Prob because WE made them ;)

  3. Søt muffinholder! Du har fått skikkelig bake-dilla. æ e helt imponert ;D
