Hjem - En liten bakeblogg med mine små og store prosjekt.

tirsdag 24. august 2010

Avslutnings kake

Fikk på ganske kort varsel oppdrag om å lage en avslutningskake til x kr.. Jeg tenkte jeg skulle lage en 2 etasjes en, så det ble litt mer kake, og litt mer spesielt.

Med denne kaken gikk bare alt galt. Å lage kakebunnene i seg gikk greit, men alt etter det var bare pain. Nå er det slik at kakepynt (som roser osv) kan lages en uke i forveien i hvert fall. noe som gjør det mindre stressfullt mot slutten, pluss at pynten rekker å tørke og dermed ikke er så skjør.

Lagde sukkerbunn med bringebær mousse i den store, og med pasjonsfrukt mousse i den lille kaken. Ble ikke videre fornøyd med pasjonsfrukt moussen, og synes bringebær moussen fikk altfor kraftig smak.

i begge fyllene skal det være gelatin, og gelatin er noe kaketrekket liker lite. Jeg brukte derfor en dik (brukte en kremsprøyte til å legge en ring vanlig fløtekrem rundt bunnen og hadde fyllet inni der). Dermed komme rikke fyllet i kontakt med lokket! Det skulle visst fungere hadde jeg hørt, men selv om jeg gjorde det så begynte kaken å svette. Kan også være fordi jeg ikke hadde noen papp eske å ha kaken i i kjøleskapet, noe som gjør at den trekker til seg fuktighet fra kjøleskapet. Lokket smeltet heldigvis ikke, så det kunne jo tross alt blitt verre i det minste.

Fikk for lite sukkerpasta, så måtte midt oppi alt lage en ny porsjon med det. Likevel måtte jeg kjevle lokket ganske tynt, som selvsagt endte med at det ble et lite hull et sted i lokket. Derfor måtte jeg improvisere litt ekstra pynt (rundinger som bare plassertes tilfeldig rundt om kring på kaken). Tenkte at dette iaf dro litt fokus bort fra det dårlige lokket. Mindre stilrent og litt mindre pent ble det jo, men iaf så syntes ingen hull..

Første gang jeg laget slik sløyfe, så er fornøyd med at den ikke falt sammen iaf! Noe som ikke gikk rett vest. Og rosene ble også okey, selv om det tok meg noen forsøk før jeg klarte å lage en jeg godkjente.

Jobbet et sted mellom 6 og 8 timer med fyll og dekor i går. Kjempe vondt i ryggen nå.

Dette har vært den kaken som jeg til nå har hatt det minst artig med å lage. Så heldigvis er den levert. It's finally over, så nå skal jeg slappe av og ikke tenke mer på kake på en stund!


Fail-cake nr 1 up to this point! Everything just went wrong or was more difficult and tricky then usual. It was just a giant pain to make, and i wasnt happy with the result.

The sugarpaste got a small rift and a hole so i had to make up some extra decorations, those circles, just to cover it up. The sugarpaste also started to sweat, getting moist and not very pretty.. I'm just glad im done with this one now. It's been delivered.

I just hope it taste good, tho i wasnt too pleased with the fillings either.

This cake just made me want to cry and hide under large rock. But i guess not some cakes are harder to make, and then you're unlucky with stuff and its all just so much more work, and the result doesnt get as good as you hoped.

Next time better be easier then this one.

søndag 8. august 2010

Kitty kake

Ny kake som må blogges! Tanken er at ettersom bursdags kaker er veldig aktuelt når det kommer til kake anledninger så skulle jeg lage en kake beregnet for et barneselskap for ei lita jente. Teknikken brukt er det de kaller for puzzle, og var mye mer pirk og mer vanskelig enn jeg trodde det skulle bli. Sliter spesielt med at jeg ikke har noe som kan lage svart sukkerpasta. Må få kjøpt på svart farge eller pulver - spiselig ofc.

Sjokoladekake med sjokolademousse og bringebærmousse. Sjokolademoussen er laget av slik 70% kakao (eller hva det nå er) sjokolade.

Første gang jeg har laget mousse som kakefyll, så var veldig spent! Men mormor, moffe, Ante og jeg selv syntes det var godt, så da er jo alt vel og bra!

De små blå blomstene på toppen måtte lager fordi jeg sølte litt sjokoladekrem på lokket og måtte dekke det til. hehe. ^^ lokket fikk også en liten rift, og ble lappet med bløt sukkerpasta. =P Jaja, dette var jo en test kake, til hjemme bruk.

torsdag 22. juli 2010


Lagde forresten også muffins til gullbryllupet. I sverige så er det vanlig å bare ha 1 kake til festen, eller 2 om det er mange. Så tar de et stykke hver og det var det. Det er ikke jeg vant med akkurat, så jeg måtte bare lage noen muffins ved siden av kaken ^^

Vaniljemuffins med kardemomme, buttercream, sukkerkuler og sukkerpasta pynt. Nam nam!

torsdag 1. juli 2010

Gullbryllups kake

Jeg fikk bestilling på en kake til ett gullbryllup. Ingen spesifikasjoner utenom at det trengtes nok 2 kaker, så da satte jeg i gang.

Kake 1: Sukkerbrød, med 2x bringebær- (hallon) og bananfyll
Kake2 : Sukkerbrød bunn, med ett lag med vaniljekrem, og ett med jordbærkrem (jordgubb).
Begge kakene ble dekket med vanilla icing før lokket sattes på.

Jeg lagde også en mini kake som jeg la oppå den ene kaken. Denne er laget av 3 vaniljemuffins med bringebær/hallon som jeg skar til, satte sammen og smurte Vanilla Icing rundt så den satt sammen.


Jeg lagde mye forskjellig pynt til denne kaken, for jeg visste ikke helt hvordan den skulle pyntes.
* roser
* blader
* "swirls"
* hvite snurrer
* liten sukkerpasta pute, til å ha 2 ringer oppå
* bro
* bord/kant rundt kaken
* bokstaver

Som dere ser så valgte jeg å være litt stilren, og ikke ha så mye rart på. Var litt redd for å bli for ivrig og at det dermed skulle bli for mye. Ettersom dette var til et gullbryllup, så er bladene og bokstavene gullfarget. Skulle liksom følge temaet tenkte jeg.

All pynten utenom ringene er håndlaget av meg, dersom noen lurte.

Så får vi bare håpe at kaken smaker godt også. =)

Cakes for a 50 year anniversary (golden wedding). One cake with raspberries mixed with whipped cream and banana on top, and one cake with one layer of vanilla and one layer of strawberries mixed with whipped cream.

The small cake on top is made out or 3 vanilla and raspberry muffins. Cut, arranged and "glued" together with vanilla icing to form a heart.

All the decorations part from the rings are hand made by me, in case anyone wondered. ^^

torsdag 24. juni 2010

Chocolate mousse

Looong time since i made anything. Summer is here, and busy being lazy i guess. ^^

Buuut, I have made a chocolatecake and tried making chocolate mousse for the first time as well!

Same type of cake as Evas birthday cake. With 2 different kinds of chocolate layers inside. =) Wanted to make it cause Ante loves the cake and sooo wanted me to make one since its been a long time since last time. ^^ No sugarpaste and decoration on this one. I'll get enough of that for the 50 year anniversary cake coming up.

Here is the result of my chocolate mousse.

It was nice! very pleased with the result, and easy to make!

Chocolate Mousse Recipe:

* 50 grams of dark chocolate
* 3 Egg whites
* 50 grams of sugar
* 1 teaspoon strong coffee
* 25 gram soft, roomtempered butter

1. Mix sugar and eggwhites til its fluffy and all.
2. Melt the chocolate in a warm water bath or in the microwave, add the butter in it
and let it melt as well.
3. Let it cool for a bit before adding it, one spoon at the time into the eggwhite mixture. Use a spatula to blend it in, so the air isnt beat out of it.
4. Fill whatever you want with it (suitable sized glass or bowl), and leave it for 3 hours in the fridge.

If the bowls arent too big, it should be enough for 4. So if its for more then 4 people you may want to make double the amount.

I decorated with whipped cream and raspberries.

mandag 24. mai 2010

A couple of cakes

Made two cakes since the last time I posted anything.

The first was my very first marzipan cake. Never made that before. ^^ It had one layer of vanilla, and one layer of raspberrycream, on top a bit of whipped cream and marzipan. The logo is melted chocolate, the letters decoration jello, and the flowers and leaves are made of marzipan. The cake was really good. ^^ Akribi had their 25th year anniversary as a company this May, so that was my excuse to bake this time.

This other cake was a "welcome to the world" cake for a little boy. ^^ Pretty pleased with it actually. Had made the baby figure a few days before, so it was a bit too big. Had to cut the blanket it lays on a bit to fit on the cake. ^^

Same type og cake as the marzipan one, bit one layer og chocolate cream, and one with raspberry cream and banana. Whipped cream under the sugarpaste lid. The decorations are also made in sugarpaste.

From these two cakes I've learned that I really like raspberry cream in these kinds of cakes. ^^ Next time I'll have two layers as raspberry cream and banana I think. =)

søndag 9. mai 2010

Birthday cake

Another birthday came up and we were asked to fix dessert for tonight as a birthday present. That gave me the chance to try and bake another sugarpaste cake!

Tried making it purple by mixing red and blue, but getting a good color out of it didn't work out to great. May just be that I didn't have the patient for it tho. Anyways, made some new white sugarpaste for the top, and took some pink from the freezer to make the decorations. I also bought some green marzipan for leaves.

Made roses, flowers, leaves and butterfly (finally found butterfly cutters!!) and wrote her name on it. It turned out pretty nice actually, but i think I'll try making the roses shorter next time, or maybe I'll make more of a flower bouquet..or a ribbon. Haven't tried that yet either. After this picture was taken I also made a border around the bottom of the cake (not the dots, I switched them). Also had another butterfly on it. =P I'll get a picture of it in here later.

I made a chocolate cake, with chocolate filling with some strawberry bits in it. Under the sugarpaste i had a mocha filling.

People said it was good, so I will assume it was and that they didn't just say it to be nice. I thought it was good at least. =P A bit "heavy", so maybe I'll try a vanilla filling or something next time. Hmm.. We will see.

It seems I always get less time to make these cakes than I need, so I never get to do quite what I want or get enough time to think through what i really want to do. Oh, well.

Also, it seems like all my cakes are pink. Hehe. ^^ (the secret cake I've written about earlier wasn't tho!). This time it became pink cause the purple didn't work out and I had pink in the freezer from the purse-cake. Was easier to just unfreeze that than to make a new batch of sugarpaste.


A bit blurry cause its taken with a mobile phone.

torsdag 6. mai 2010

Min første stablekake


Slik ble den seende ut. Ble ikke helt som jeg hadde planlagt det, men ble litt stress med å pynte den.

Sjokoladekake, med sjokoladekrem, mokkakrem, og en mørk sjokolade kremaktig greie inni, med sukkerpasta lokk og pynt.

Ble nokså fornøyd med min første sånn fancy kake. Ble litt bulkete og pynten ble litt tykk, men det får man jo bare prøve å gjøre bedre nesten gang.

My first try on a cake like this. With a small one on top of a bigger one. First time I've also decorated an entire cake with sugarpaste. Fun! And I am also pretty pleased with the result. Its my first one after all.

tirsdag 27. april 2010

Veske kake

Dette var et skikkelig "fort og gæli" prosjekt. Vi reiser jo nordover snart, så ingen vits å bruke lang tid på ei kake som blir ødelagt. Poenget med å bake den i hele tatt var å se hva jeg kunne få til om jeg gjorde det kjapt og uten mye planlegging. Dermed kan jeg jo regne med at jeg kan få det bedre til på ei kake jeg bruker god tid på.

Denne kaka ble soggy og skjev, og kantene er ikke godt satt sammen, målene er ikke tatt ordentlig, så den er litt sånn på halv tolv. Men! - min første veske-kake er iaf gjort, og man ser jo hva det skal forestille, sant?! :D Ikke smakt den enda. =P Hva den smaker kan jeg enda ikke si noe om. Uansett, så er oppskriften en annen enn den jeg vanligvis bruker, fordi den hadde færre ingredienser og var lettere å hive sammen. ^^ Neste gang skal den bli finere og i tillegg gå å spise! Det er iaf målet!

In short; purse-cake! My first. ^^ Its made quick and very wrong, just as a first attempt to see if its do-able for me at all - and i think it is! Next time it will be better! Or very similar, only good to eat as well. =P (havent tasted this one yet)

torsdag 22. april 2010

Much better than bread!

I'm not all that fond of bread, so lately I've been baking what we call "rundstykker". I don't really know the english word, but lets call them breakfast buns! These aren't really any fun to make, but it is so much better then bread, especially bought bread. Also it feels like there is more food in these than the types of bread we've tried.

Makes it easier to take something small to eat during the day as well. I have a tendensy to just not eat if there is nothing slightly tempting to find. so; problem solved! ^^ They are really good! Who needs bread anyways?

tirsdag 20. april 2010

Chocolate muffins and sugarpaste

Baked twice now since the last entry.

First I tried out my mini cake mold. The recipe was reduced quite a bit, and it was reduced to a perfect amount too, so yay! Made a chocolate cake, and I wanted to try out sugarpaste (for the first time) to have on top. Since it was my first try it didnt turn out perfectly, but it went ok. Tried doing everything I've read i should do, but I still found it to stick to the table, and crumbs from the cake sneaked its way in there, and it seemed to crack up a bit as I worked with it. So a lot of work, but thats probably just cause I hadnt ever done it before. So hopefully with a bit of practice I will do better eventually. Between the cake and the sugarpaste I had butter cream.

The cake was tasty, but the decorating needs a lot of practice. And since the practice mold is so small, we wont end up with massive amounts of cake that we wont be able to eat either. ^^

Yesterday (monday) I baked chocolate muffins! Ante helped me. These where chocolate muffins, with chocolate frosting and home made roses and leaves as decoration. =P Those where made in marzipan. Was the first time ever I tried making flowers as well, so it was less then perfect. Hehe. ^^ And they couldn't get too big either since they were gonna be on muffins and not a cake. It was fun to have tried it out tho, and I will try it again!

There were yummie! I did tho realise that i need to by a muffin plate thingy, to put the muffin cups into when baking them. This is to prevent them from widening too much from the weight of the mixture. Took about an hour to make and bake the muffins.

But in short; I am really pleased with the results!

onsdag 14. april 2010

Guest entry by: Ante

My cake obsession is catching on! At least rubbing off a bit. ^^ Ante decided he wanted to bake me a cake :D Kladd-kaka, as it is called here. Its a chocolate cake , which is supposed to be a bit sticky in the middle. =) And you serve it with wipped cream. None of us had made it before, so we werent entirely sure what to do and how. There was a bit of a rocky start, but it got better.

Here you can see my windrider cub watching over it. ^^

It tasted good. =) Tho we should have let it be in the ovn longer, so thats something to remember for next time. A bit too "kladdy", but thats what this blog is all about; getting better at baking! :D And also; how sweet isnt it that he wanted to bake me a cake?! =)

onsdag 7. april 2010

Changed the blog adress

The blog adress has been changed to: http://my-baking-adventure.blogspot.com/
Just so everyone is aware. ^^

Cinnamon rolls

Another day, another opportunity to bake. Today cinnamon rolls was on the menu. Ante had mentioned he liked them, so i figured i would bake some. Took a bit of time. Making the dough, letting it rise to dobble size, rolling them out, letting rise again, and then baking for 10-15 minutes. Both "rising" times was for about 1 hour.

I am really pleased with the result, even tho they got a bit big. ^^

Mmmm.. Tasty!

mandag 5. april 2010

Banana muffin


To try out my new muffin-tree thing, and to do some baking, and because its good me and Henriette made muffins! The choice landed on banana muffins.

100 g margaring/smør (butter)
2 1/4 dl sukker (sugar)
3 bananer
2 egg
3 3/4 dl hv.mel. (flour)
1 1/2 ts natron (baking soda)
1 ts bakepulver (baking powder)
2 ts vaniljesukker (vanilla)
1 dl. melk (milk)

1. Sett ovnen på 175 grader.
1. Preheat the ovn up to 175 °C ( ~350 °F).

2. Rør margarin og sukker hvitt. Tilsett eggene, ett av gangen og deretter de mosede bananene.
2. Mix butter and sugar till its nice and white. Add eggs, one at the time, and then the mashed bananas.

3. Bland mel, natron, bakepulver og vaniljesukker og rør det inn i eggeblandingen. Tilslutt blandes melken inn.
3.Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder and vanilla, and add it to the mixture. Add the milk last.

4. Hell røren i en smurt og strødd form og stekes i ca. 45 min. Dersom du lager muffins stekes de i ca. 10 - 15 min.
4. Pour the mixture into a cake mold, and bake for about 45 minutes. If made into cupcakes the only bake for 10-15 minutes.

The "decoration" was made with buttercream and a decoration bag. Had to try that out too. ^^


onsdag 31. mars 2010


So like i have said in my other blog, i've got cakes on my mind lately. It started with when i had to bake a few for my birthday. Im not all that skilled so im gonna try getting better by practicing! Just wish i had someone to practice with. Oh well, at least i can share my ups and downs on my cake-journey with you guys.

For my birthday i baked ice-cake with chocolate chips, and a chocolate cake. I also had a few attempts on cheese cake, but adjusting my recipes to swedish products proved a challenge. Most norwegian cheese cakes use jello, but we cant buy that here. So had to try and make jello. Was hard finding the right amount of this and that, so it failed. twice. But i'll try again later on.

The other two cakes turned out great tho =) Im very pleased.

I'll put in a pic of the icecake some other day. ^^

For my cake "obsession" i have started to buy a bit of equipment. If you're gonna do something without getting totally annoyed and frustrated you need at least some equipment to make things easier.

I've bought:
* cake mold
* mini cake mold - for practice purposes.This way i can practice baking without getting huge amounts of cake that we wont be able to eat before it goes bad
* decorating bag (tho i do want a more pro set)
* decoration pen
* stencil
* scraper
* steel wire (for decorations)
* flour sifter
* Icing colors

...and probably more.

I've also researched a bit, and found a few recipes, a few tutorials and styles i would like to try. So what remains now is to get started! ^^ Hopefully in a while i will be making cakes that both looks and tastes good! :D